29 March 2011

Cerita dah masuk angin tapi belum basi

Assalamualaikum semua! Tahniah kepada sesiapa yg berjaya for SPM tempoh hari. Yang dapat straight A pulus, A lurus, A rojak, A bengkang bengkok, straight plus, straight minus, xde A ke ape ke, yang penting let bygones be bygones. Kita dah usaha, itu semua rezeki masing-masing. Move on la beb, the world won't wait on you. Sebab ape? Sebab skrg ni dh hari selasa & bnyk scholarship2 yg dh nak tutup permohonan.

Which explains kenapa post ini diwujudkan. Ramai orang yang tengah berpeluh ketiak memikirkan ape nak belajar, camne nak secure scholar, bila nak kawin, berapa anak mau buat (ini sudah keluar topik o.O) dan sebagainya...

Ape yang penting kawan-kawan, nasihatku cuma satu : chillax~
Aku bukannya suruh korang buat macam tu sebab aku nak korang rileks hingga tarikh tutup application supaya aku  sorang je dapat belaja overseas. I'm not like that okay? (Aku tak laa sejahat tu..) -.-

Nasihatku ini atas dasar choices yang korang akan buat dalam tempoh terdekat ini boleh kira level hidup mati. Takut tak? Masa ini lah yang tentukan future korang & di mana korang akan pijak lagi 10, 20, 30 tahun dari sekarang. 

Malangnya, masa ini jugaklah yang ramai rakan kita salah guna. Lulus SPM punya pasal, enjoy tak tentu hala. (tau laa takyah amik paper Julai..). Tahu tahu, masa dah takde. Padan muka.

So, guna time ni elok-elok ya! Aku tau ramai yang tengah blank ape nak belajar and all that. Sebab itu aku pesan tadi suruh chillax. Tarik nafas dua tiga kali. Hembus. Tarik, hembus.

Okay? Sudah lega sikit? Kalau yes, bagus! Kalau belum, pegi buat lagi! Anyways, korang rajin-rajinlah Google career-career yang wujud di dunia ni. Survey dulu ape yang menarik minat dan taste korang then go for it~!! :D

p/s: eating chocolate helps too so jangan cakap nak jaga badan. aku tibai gak kang...  xD

27 March 2011

Going south?

Relationship? To me it's like food. Good food go well together, they compliment one another and though they don't always look okay when put next to each other, they're still great!

Whatever it is (how bad your relationships may seem) only you can tell if it'll go north or south. Some food class like to go through the ileum, others prefer to end up going through the lacteal and others... well, let's just say they go north or south (depending on which way is up..)

While everyone has their own views on this matter (take out food from the context please~) I trust the best answer goes to religion. The Book has taught us guidelines in maintaining a healthy relationship + a bonus on healthy gastronomical system! (*does the term even exist? :p).

Whatever you choose, choose carefully. Coke doesn't go great with mentos and you won't do so great with someone too. Remember that, live your life as it is, make the necessary changes if needed & move on when all else fails! God-willing, someone better is waiting for you at the end of the line :D

Pray hard, be strong, be happy and S-M-I-L-E =)

22 March 2011

Result, oh Result~

Result oh Result~

I know I've done You a lot of wrongs, 
but please forgive me, oh Result~
I know You've given me everything I've ever asked for and more,
but please grant me my wish, oh Result~
I know I have not done all in my power to repay You,
but please do pay me for my efforts, oh Result~
I know I've failed to remember You sometimes,
but please continue to remember me, oh Result~
I know I'll probably forget You like I've always done before,
but please don't You forget me, oh Result~
I know You know better of my future,
So I put my future in Your hands, oh Result~


21 March 2011

The past, the present, the future

Science & technology has been a major piece of our lives. It has been with us since the ancient Arabs, Egyptians, Greeks & Romans. Since then, what was two totally separate things had merged into one. Today, the boundaries separating science & technology are fading ever thinner and with it they bring together an era of ideas, innovation, creations & endless possibilities that is limited only by how far we dare imagine.

One day, it may be possible for us to witness the most out-of-this-world ideas transform from mere ideas into vivid reality. And that one day might just be today!

Look around you! Presently we have been witness to the birth of robots programmed to help human beings from doing the simplest thing like household chores to aiding men in the heaviest task of building mega-structures that touch the sky. These achievements that most seem to not see is huge in a way that just a mere decade before, such stories of success are unheard of. Indeed, the accomplishment of the field of sci-tech is not to be looked down upon.

From the discoveries of cures to diseases to the role they play in helping to satisfy the worlds' need for food, science & technology has helped us in many ways. Science has greatly increased our knowledge regarding the world we live in while technology has granted us the means to do with this world what we need. Individually they are good but together, they are great!

However, great or not, they are mere tools entrusted into the hands of humankind. And true to their reputation, mankind will always do wrong with the tools handed to them. Time and again, we humans have proven incapable of listening to reason, of learning from past mistakes and of seeing the truth even if it was smack dab in front of our eyes.

Blind though you may be, know of this you must. There exists a group of people that abandon their duties, neglect this power and knowledge we call science & the tool we have come to name as technology...

A minority of people, in their unconfined passion to find the promises of knowledge & discovery has misused and abused the key to this world. In their unyielding spirit to find something new, they have come to destroy what is dear. In their passion to find one that is abstract, they have abandoned that which is concrete.

Dire though the situation may be, not all of us belong to that group. The awareness to save instead of to harm, to protect instead of to attack, to salvage instead of to destroy is on the rise. This battle of the sciences - both good and evil - are taking a heavy toll on our planet but at the very least, a sliver of chance is shining at the end of the tunnel.

As for what the future holds for these two, no man knows. But the signs are clear that they are here to stay in the long run.

In the past, present and future, science and technology has always, is still, and will always play a pivotal role in shaping, charting our destiny. Like all tools, they can help or hinder. All there is to remember is that when a gun is the weapon of death, the wielder pays the price for murder. The gun roams free. No matter who we are, unless you are a gun, a tool is only a tool. It is only as good or bad as the man holding it.

20 March 2011

SAC Terbaik!

Assalamualaikum semua!

-baru habis satu program @Behrang.

-mood :D :D :D :D

-eventho awal-awal cam biasalah semua muka innocent
mcm tak tau nak bukak mulut...

-tapi after hari 1st, bilik aku telah jadi pelabuhan entreport (aku pun tak sure kenapa...)

-ternyata you guys memang awesome!!!

-hampir setiap masa dgn you all diisi dgn gelak, gelak & more gelak!

-mmg time mlm bilik kitorang paling havoc & bising

-tapi all good things must end....

-so good luck to all yang dtg program ni

-harapan aku kita semua straight A+

-and thanks guys! had a wonderful time

-khawa, azzam, azam, farid, zul, paan

capab dulu! <=== xpaham xyah ngomen~

16 March 2011

Sebab Musabab Tanah Bergerak & Tamadun Bergolak

Assalamualaikum y'all ! Salam sejahtera & salam pertemuan!

Okay, dlm entry sebelum ni aku ada bercerita tentang muzik & kuasanya. Dalam entry itu jugaklah aku ada memberi hint about teori aku berkenaan isu di Middle East. So, keeping to my word, aku akan elaborate lagi idea aku itu.

Untuk memahami pandangan aku, korang perlu teliti dulu kata-kata seorang tokoh Islam yang hebat bernama Ali bin Abi Talib. Beliau pernah menjawab kepada para sahabat apabila dipersoal mengenai maksiat. Katanya : "Jangan kau lihat betapa kecilnya maksiat yang hendak dilaksanakan, sebaliknya lihatlah betapa besar & agung zat Tuhan yang hendak dilakukan kepada-Nya maksiat itu."

Now, ape kaitan kata-kata imam Ali dengan situasi  di Libya, Bahrain, Mesir dan Tanah Arab secara amnya?? Jawapannya terdapat dalam surah al-Jin. Dalam surah ini, Allah merakamkan perihal jin. Diceritakan kepada kita bagaimana jin-jin setelah mendengar 'al-huda' telah mengakui kebesaran Tuhan yang maha esa.

Sedangkan al-jin pun sedar bahawa tiada satupun tempat langsung - biar di langit mahupun di bumi untuk mereka lari dari azab Allah sekiranya mereka melakukan maksiat. Jin berkomunikasi & direkod dlm Quran : Kami (langit, bumi serta seluruh isinya) dalam genggaman Tuhan.

Mengikut tafsiran & kajian ulama' ayat ini menerangkan satu sifat - sifat yang mana jin telah dijadikan satu contoh buat manusia. Tak pelikkah? Korang mesti selalu dengar orang cakap : Sebaik-baik jin itu sejahat-jahat manusia & vice versa kan? Tapi kenapa Quran berkata ada situasi yang sebaliknya? Tidakkah pelik bahawa orang yang dahulunya disembah telahpun bertaubat tetapi yang menyembah masih belum bertaubat? Analoginya begini : bayangkan Ayah Pin sewaktu pengikut-pengikutnya sedang sujud pada dia, tiba-tiba mengaku & bertaubat lalu terus bersyahadah.

  Ayah Pin : Aku Islam skang...selama nie aku poyo je... saje terasa nak jadi tuhan, kn? So, hah, ape lagi? Udah-udahlah sembah aku. Kang aku bajet jambu lak... *tersengih-sengih

  Anak Pin : *Bagai orang tak paham bahasa terus sujud pada org yg dh terang-terang mengaku berdusta.

Bodoh tak manusia ini? Inilah dia manusia yang cover diri baik habis dengan mengeluarkan kata-kata " I lebih baik dari jin kot...kira okay la tu der!" & juga makhluk yang berakal tapi tak menggunakan akal - mereka lagi teruk dari haiwan peliharaan.

Satu lagi kisah untuk y'all. Kali ini about Khalifah Umar al-Khatab. Setiap kali Saidina Umar selesai solat, sahabat melihat benda yang pelik terjadi. Sewaktu memberi salam Umar akan menangis kemudian ketawa. Selesai solat. Salam ke kanan, dia menangis. Kemudian salam ke kiri, dia ketawa. Para sahabat pelik wal ajaib. Gila ke ape? Lalu mereka bertanya. (Baikkan orang dulu? Tak membuat konklusi & speculation sewenang-wenangnya tentang sesuatu perkara. Tak tahu bertanya bukannya touch-up memvavi vuta. Result SPM anak siapaa laaa yang kate keluar 14Mac? Banyak dosa dia tanggung sebar dusta...nauzubillah).

  Sahabat : Wahai khalifah Allah, kenapa apabila kau memberi salam ke kanan kau mengangis dan apabila kau memberi salam ke kiri kau ketawa?

  Saidina Umar : *Tersenyum mendengar pertanyaan itu. 'Kamu nak tahukah? Kenapa? Pelik?'

  Sahabat : Ya, kami ingin tahu kerana agak pelik. Orang lain salam ke kanan melihat (membayang) syurga dan salam ke kiri melihat (membayang) neraka. Kenapa pula kau melihat syurga sedih tapi melihat neraka gembira wahai khalifah?

*Cerita ini dipendekkan untuk cut entry yang aku rasa dah cukup panjang. Untuk dialog penuh sebelum Umar finally jawab pertanyaan, sila cari sendiri.

  Saidina Umar : Setiap kali aku memberi salam ke kanan, aku teringat hidup aku sebelum Islam. (*Dengan sebak) Aku teringat anak perempuan aku yang aku tanam hidup-hidup kerana risau nama aku dihina oleh kafir yang lain. Sedangkan dalam Islam anak itu suci dan perempuan itu suci.

 Sahabat : Owh, begitu...Jadi, kenapa pula salam ke kiri kau ketawa?

  Saidina Umar : Setiap kali aku memberi salam ke kiri, aku teringat hidup aku sebelum Islam. (*Dengan tersenyum) Aku teringat aku sering pergi ke pasar. Kemudian aku membeli kurma yang paling baik, paling mahal di pasar. Sesampai di rumah, aku menyusun biji-biji kurma itu membentuk sesuatu. Lalu aku sembah tuhan yang aku sendiri cipta itu. Selesai aku sembah, aku terasa lapar. Aku makan tuhan aku. Sedangkan dalam Islam bagaimana hendak aku makan Tuhan...

Sambung balik pasal pandangan ulama' tadi...mereka (ulama' okay bukan Anak Pin or Cucu Pin)  berpendapat orang yang mencapi tahap iman seperti para jin ini, tidak kira di maaana jua dia berada sifatnya pasti sama. PASTI! La syakku bihi.

  • Dalam Masjidil Haram di hadapan Kaabah mahupun di Las Vegas
  • Di percutian mahupun di tempat kerja
  • Di padang bola mahupun di dalam bilik (dalam bilik??)
  • Di khalayak ramai mahupun sewaktu seorang diri
  • Walhal di arena politik mahupun dalam rumahtangga....

Pendek kata...sekiranya ketua-ketua negara dipilih dari kalangan jin, maka amanlah dunia. Dan sekiranya rakyat Malaysia mengundi parti jin, maka majulah Malaysia...tapi tidak logik untuk kita diperintah oleh jin kerana manusia yang lebih sepadan & manusia jugalah yang telah dipertanggungjawabkan menjadi khalifah di muka bumi ini. Konklusinya, kalau tidak mahu jin jadi wakil rakyat, pilihlah orang yang hampir-hampir sifatnya dengan para jin yang baik-baik lebih baik dari manusia, okay? Confirm aman damai sejahtera sentosa dunia sampai akhir zaman~

P/S: Tidak semua jin itu baik. Tidak semua manusia itu baik. Pandai-pandailah menilai sendiri.

15 March 2011

The Power of Music

Ever wondered why music is such an important aspect of our lives? From kids to adults, east to west, it seems that this form of entertainment never fails to inspire, awe and capture us. Ranging from an array of genres - rock, pop-rock, country, electronic, blues, classical, R&B, soul, rap and hip-hop just to name a few - there is sure to be a type of music that hits your spot.

So just how old is music? Well, the thing is : no one knows for sure. Our ancestors surely did not relax to Alesana ( if you can call that relaxing) nor did they listen to Linkin Park. And I'm pretty damn sure they did not scream to Bieber's name. Back to the topic, whatever it is they did listen to, the point here is they did listen to something. (Don't ask me what music they fancy. I'm not that good in history).

Now going back to the present, the trend of music is not showing any signs of slowing down. In fact, the industry is growing like crazy!! You don't get to hear a music long enough on the radio before a new song kicks it out of the charts! 

And the internet! This once alien technology has invaded the homes, phones, offices, iPhones, iPads,  all those iThings and our minds to become an evermore important tool for artists, songwriters, producers etc. It certainly is not helping me keep up with the overwhelming information that seems impossible to fit in a space that doesn't even exist. Imagine the abundance of data stored in just one laptop, multiply that by about 'How many people in the world have laptops, eh?' and there you have it! (I can't help but to wonder how many gigabytes of data there is in this world...)

Well, like I said, the music industry is crazy... and I can't help but to wonder when the next MySpace artists is going to emerge. 

We've all heard of internet-born artist but now we are seeing the birth of a new kind of artist : yes, they are made famous by the internet but the words that come out isn't really from a type or genre that we are used to. 

Read this:

    At 6.30 p.m on Feb 15, as thousands of people gathered to protest against their ruler at a busy intersection in Manama, the capital of the small island nation of Bahrain, you could just about hear over the general hubbub the anthem of the young people who have shaken regimes from North Africa to the Arabian Gulf. It wasn't a verse from the Quran. It wasn't a traditional tune from the region. It was rap.

The "Rais Lebled" is an echo of the hymn of the Jasmine Revolution that shot down Zine el Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia from his 'throne'. The same lines came out of the demonstrators in Cairo who toppled Hosni Mubarak. Now, it had come to Bahrain.

The interesting thing is far from being happy tunes, the lines of this song carried messages of rage and frustration at being oppressed and being kept in poverty. Using music as a vessel to bring over a message that would have otherwise been hard to get through is not a new trend. A lot of artists have used music to make a statement. Michael Jackson's Heal The World featured children living in strife. Other figures had also used music as a means to promote social aspects like environmental issues, cancer, human rights, peace, poverty, HIV/AIDS etc. Some have touched on religion and beliefs.

But what makes this year's message so loud that it rang through from east to west and back is the intensity and passion that goes with it. Never before has a voice shouted this loud. Never before has a voice be heard on this scale. And (correct me if I'm wrong) the rage and anger is spreading like hellfire. Soon, this uncivilized form of uprising will infect and destroy us. One by one we will fall. One by one we will die.

Well, certainly the solution is there, if you know where to look... From my point of view, this unrest is an unnecessary source of commotion. Seriously, do you need to burn down stuff and shoot people just to clarify a point? Hell, no.

I have my own reason to believe why and how this situation started which I will write in my next post. (I just realized I've been astray for some time now. How did I go from music to Bahrain??)

Personally I love music. The ones that carry meaning that is. I truly believe that music should be kept safe from the hazards of war and aggression. Music can relate to people without them really understanding the lyrics. It's like when you listen to a piece in a foreign language - though you may not know exactly what the song's about, you'll still have a vague idea of what it means and it won't stop you from dancing to the beat. That is exactly what is happening all across the Middle East. Someone writes a dangerous piece and those listening dances to the beat. (And the beat is not really a peaceful one but it's still catchy - in the sense that even housewives are taking up arms).

Simply said everybody should refrain from putting into songs anything that can upset, cause anger or attack others. These days, people turn to music whenever they feel hatred or anger but far from using the healing powers of music (crying, head-banging, singing-at-the-top-of-my-voice all work fine with me) , they turn to it as a tool to fume their feelings in wrong way. And more often than not, it turns bad (hurts others physically or kills) and escalates to become something that is far too huge to stop. While most people (myself included) love to say things like 'I can't live without music', some people (may God bless them) 'can't live because of music' - they died. 

14 March 2011

To turn a new leaf...

Writing something on the web & knowing that people other than those you know of personally can access these written thoughts is not an easy thing to do after all...

Put it this way: I have indeed done a grave mistake by opening myself to the world beyond that of my own mind - where once it was the safest place in all of space, now it is becoming my own brand of poison.

To save the remnants of what little dose sanity I still possess, I have to come to terms with reality. And though this may seem like the words of a dying man, I assure you (to anyone whom this may concern) that I am well & alive. Time will heal all.

In the meantime, I have made a decision to severe ties with those who live in a world of deceit and lies. I vow to never write of untruths and to never hide myself behind a mask painted by stained hands like so many others that breath in the same air that I did.

While naming the culprits will not help with the problem at hand, and I too was at fault for letting my guard down & letting myself drop too far down, it will only make matters worse, if not, doom us all to a point of no return. Thus, the decision I have made to save myself and live on only to save others when I have bloomed big and strong, sharpen my tongue and mind as well as my wits is rightfully accurate.

As for my mistakes : I'll leave them be, not without troubling thoughts, as a reminder of my past wrongs & as a teacher for present and future. I'll live by my word : I will not live in a world of deceit and lies, I will not hide myself behind a mask of untruths!

To those of you who may know me on a personal scale, I apologize. To those who may not know me to such an extent, I apologize.

As of this moment, this pages will be written in a new tone. Rest assured, this is me speaking with a tongue long forgotten. My hope is one : so that this truth will ring forth with the weaves of time and set a-going the rusted mechanics of humanity that once upon a time ran free, unopposed, uncontested within our very veins.

I only pray that my actions be guided in the times to come.

Let me tell you a story about a boy. A young boy who was fresh in his mind untainted by filth, clean & pure but still wet behind the ears. He looks around the world in general awe, respecting every tiny little detail in people, places, buildings, animals, plants, vehicles and all the pleasantries that come with it. All the while, Q's and bulbs popped out of his tiny little head.

He spies with his tiny little eyes : an elephant!
'My, what big creations elephants are', says the boy.
POP!! 'What's that mighty long protrusion where his nose should be?'
POP!! 'It must be for smelling just like mine is!!'
After countless more POPs of Q's and bulbs...he got bored and looked away.

He spies with his tiny little eyes : an ant!
'My, what minuscule creations ants are', says the boy.
POP!! 'Why are there thousands upon millions of ants creeping about?'
POP!! 'That must be your mother, father, brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles and grannies & grandpas - thinking of his long-winded family tree - just like mine is!!'
After countless more POPs of Q's and bulbs...he got bored and looked away.

He spies and spies and spies some more until he grew old and his skin cracked and his hair grew bald and his back stooped low and until he bowed to the earth right to the moment the earth embraced him - not harshly but as warm and welcoming like that of a life-long pal.

Though he did grow old and his skin cracked and his hair did grow bald and his back did stoop low and he did bow to the earth in the end, he did not grow any wiser nor did he become drier behind the ears (if there ever was such a saying). No, on the contrary, he went into the earth not gaining nothing but nothing & as if the situation was not dire enough to begin with, he lost everything but everything.

You see, he came into this earth a child when the earth was already very, very old. He was a spirited youngling while the earth was a spirited well...earth. He spied everything that his tiny little eyes would allow him to spy while the earth spied all - the boy, his family at the time of his birth, the animals at the edge of the  woods surprised by all the commotion, the woods itself with all it inhabitants down to every leaves on every tree be it big or small down to the roots that crawled into the soil to the mountains that lay scattered on his faces like many freckles to the flatlands that lay beyond to the seas and every creature that dwell in their deepest, darkest reach to the large sky high above when it was raining, shining, day and night - be it star-strewn or starless all the way to the farthest reaches of the universe. Would you imagine that...

But the boy who knew nothing of the secrets of the universe got bored and looked away. While the earth, already knowing and unlocking most of these well-kept secrets, continue to observe and spy, continue to learn and educate and re-educate himself. Mind you, the earth has seen it all for thousands perhaps millions of years before but he will continue to look for thousands perhaps millions of years perhaps forever...

And still, the earth took the boy with warmness despite his act all this while, being nothing more than arrogant,
considered quite rude.


Frankly, I have deviated from my original idea (due to my lack of attention & the fact that I am learning to write and in time to speak straight from my heart) but to learn from every experience is of utmost importance to all. My advice to you : FIND A REASON TO MAKE EVERY SECOND OF YOUR LIFE WORTHWHILE